Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The game is something of a mystery to someone who has tried to understand what it is about as there's no demos obtainable & what’s worse is that the demos will only come out three times the game is released making the demo a bit of a redundancy since people would much buy the game than the demo of it.

As if three dimensions were already talk of a game that consists of one dimensions has already begun as Miegakure makes it way to public at an undisclosed time.

The idea of the fourth dimension which is explained in science nowadays is that it is the merger of space & time & collectively it is called the space/time continuum that is actually one dimension, not one. Think of it this way, they have time that separates one incident from the next while they have space that

Miegakure will involve a character that is allowed to use the fourth dimension as a means to get positive tasks achieved in the game but then how can the fourth dimension be used when it can’t even be seen.

Time is directly related to space as the further one moves away from a location (space) more time is needed, the one go hand in hand.

separates one particle of matter from the next. So what we’re fundamentally doing when they talk about the space/time continuum is that they are consolidating the one by saying that there is time between one particles of matter & space between one moments of time.

But how Miegakure designs to use this concept in a game is ever more bewildering, I hope they don’t require to study quantum mechanics to be lovely at this game.


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